


SSIT conducts Innovative Research activities in many fields of Engineering and applied sciences, apart from Academics. Our Institution constantly encourages and motivates our students and faculty members to develop new and useful materials, devices and other intellectual property. The college is committed to provide all sorts of conductive environment to the researchers which results in creation of intellectual property. In order to protect the intellectual property thus being created, the college established an intellectual property cell on 02.07.2015.

About CIPR:

The booming research and innovative teaching necessitates proactively exploring and bringing it to light the treasure of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in our institution. In this direction, Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (CIPR) was established in our institution on 02.07.2015. It was established to create awareness and offer assistance to academicians, researchers, entrepreneurs and innovators to identify, protect and manage novel ventures effectively through CIPR. The mandate of this centre shall be to create IPR awareness, encourage filing of patent and facilitate the process of patent filing and maintenance of IPR. Executive council has been formed with the following constitutions. The executive council will meet and review the IPR cell activities once in six months.

Objectives and Activities OF the Centre:

  • To promote awareness about IPR among faculty members and students.
  • To train faculty and students for patent filing processes.
  • To conduct workshops, seminars and training courses on IPR.
  • To provide opportunity for Product development and Commercialization, by means of start ups.

IP Policy

Institution provides for patents as follows:

  • Patents: – It shall be competent for the Executive council to take out patents in respect of any discovery or invention made by the teachers or research students of this institution.
  • Right to be in joint name: -The patent shall be taken in the joint names of the institution and the person responsible for the discovery or invention.
  • Expenses of registration: -The expenses in connection with the registration of patents shall be borne 50% by the Institution.
  • Sharing of profits-Any profit accruing from the patent shall be shared equally between the institution and the person responsible for the invention or discovery.
  • Usage of patents: -The person responsible for the invention or discovery shall render free service to the Institution in connection with the exploitation of the patent. The terms on which patents may be offered for exploitation shall be determined solely by the Executive council.

The Institution is obliged to:

  • Promote and encourage application oriented scientific research.
  • Make reach of inventions to the common man under institutional supervision.
  • Encourage, assist and provide mutually beneficial rewards to the institution and inventory member.
  • Institution to secure sponsored research funding at all levels of research.

Executive Council:

  • Dr. K. Palanikumar, Principal – Co-ordinator
  • G. Saravanan, Co-ordinator
  • Dr. K.Porkumaran, Principal/SSEC, External Member
  • A. Rajendra Prasad, Dean Mechanical, External Member
  • T.Sheela, Dean IT/SSEC, External Member
  • S. Rajarajan, Dean Academics
  • S. Murali, Internal Member
  • G.Prakash, Internal Member
  • B. Sreedevi, HOD/CSE
  • G. Thamarai Selvi HOD/ECE
  • V. Brindha Devi, HOD/IT
  • C.R. Senthilnathan, HOD/MBA

Contact Us

Dr. M. Balachandar,

Department Co-ordinator – Centre for Intellectual Property Rights,
Sri Sai Ram Institute of Technology,
Sai Leo Nagar, West Tambaram,
Chennai – 600044.
Phone : 044 22512111/ 22512333
Mobile: +91 94456 28074

Published Patent Details – Click here to View